
Kinhbac city development holding corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Official letter No. 909/TB-SGDHCM dated May 6th, 2022 from Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HOSE) announcing the record date to hold the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders: 



Independence – Freedom – Happiness

Ho Chi Minh City, 6th May 2022


On: Record Date

Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HOSE) announces the record date as follows:

-         Issuer's name


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation

-         Securities code



-         Securities type


Common share

-         Par value


10,000 VND

-         Ex-right date


May 18th, 2022

-         Record date


May 19th, 2022

-         Reason and purpose


to hold the 2022 Annual General Meeting

-         Specific content:

+       Excercise ratio:


+       Time:


01 share – 01 voting right

Notice later

+       Place:


Notice later

-         Meeting items


Approval for

-         Report on operating results in 2021 and operating plan for 2022 of the BOD and the BOM;

-         Report on supervision activities in 2021 of the Supervisory Board;

-         2021 Audited  Financial Statements;

-         The plan to choose the audit unit for the financial statements in 2022;

-         Others.







Kinhbac city development holding corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Official letter No.1514/TB-VSD dated May 4th, 2022 from Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD) announcing the record date to hold the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and confirmation for the list of stockholders: 


No: 1514/TB-VSD

Independence – Freedom – Happiness

Hanoi, 4th May 2022

(On: Record Date and Confirmation of Stockholders List)

To:      Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HOSE)

Depository Members

The Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD) announces the record date  as follows:

Issuer's name


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation

Securities name


Shares of Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation

Securities code






Trading platform


Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange (HOSE)

Securities type


Common share

Par value


10,000 VND

Record date


May 19th, 2022

Reason and purpose

Execution rate


To hold the 2022 Annual General Meeting

1 share – 1 voting right



To be announced by the Board of Directors (BOD) in writing



To be announced by the Board of Directors (BOD) in writing

Meeting agenda


Approval for

-         Report on operating results in 2021 and 2021 and operating plan for 2022 of the BOD and the BOM;

-         Report by the Supervisory Board on 2021 supervision

-         Audited 2021 Financial Statements;

-         Selection of an auditing company for 2022 financial statements;

-         Other relevant issues within the authority of general meeting

Depository members (DMs) are requested to compare the securities holders’ information in the List generated and sent in the form of Certificate of Authorization by VSD with the information managed by DMs then send Confirmation (Form 03/THQ) in the form of Certificate of Authorization on the accuracy of the list of shareholders (For DMs who have not completed the connection to VSD’s terminal-based gateway/ISO-based gateway or where the connection has been disrupted, the Confirmation with Certificate of Authorization shall be sent to thongbaoxacnhan@vsd.vn). In case of rejection due to data errors, DMs are requested to send written notice on details of errors for necessary correction to VSD.

            Deadline for sending confirmation: by no later than 10:30 am, 23rd May 2022.
If DMs do not send confirmation document by the above deadline, VSD will consider the list provided to DMs and direct account holding members by VSD accurate and confirmed. In case of arising disputes and losses to shareholders, DMs will have to bear all the related responsibilities.
DMs are requested to fully inform this notice to each investor who has deposited the above shares at DMs within 3 working days from the date on the notice.





Kinhbac city development holding corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Report on ownership change of Group of related foreign investors  dated 29.04.2022 as follows: 



KinhBac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Resolution No.2704/2022/KBC/NQ-HDQT dated April 27th, 2022 on the finalization of the list of shareholders to attend the 2022 Annual General Meeting as follows: 



KinhBac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: the record date to exercise the rights to attend the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders as follows: 



KinhBac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Certificate of Operation Registration for Representative Office of KinhBac City Development Holding Corporation in Hanoi as follows:


KinhBac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Resolution No. 1804/2022/KBC/NQ-HDQT dated April 18th, 2022 of the Board of Directors on changing the address of the Representative office of KinhBac City Development Holding Corporation in Hanoi as follows:

- Registered representative office address: No. 100 An Trach, Cat Linh ward, Dong Da district, Hanoi city, Vietnam.

- Representative office address after change: No. 10 Hang Bot lane, Cat Linh ward, Dong Da district, Hanoi city, Vietnam.


Kinhbac city development holding corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Minutes - Resolution & Submissions of the 1st Extraodinary General Meeting of Share holders in 2022:


Kinhbac city development holding corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Documents for The 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2022 update 07/02/2022: 


Kinhbac city development holding corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Approving the list of nominated candidates for members of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board for the term 2022 - 2027 of the Corporation: Download

BOARD OF DIRECTOR RESOLUTION (Approving the list of nominated candidates for members of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board for the term 2022 - 2027 of the Corporation)

- Curriculum vitae


Kinhbac city development holding corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Documents for The 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2022 update 26/01/2022:


Kinhbac city development holding corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Official Notice of Meeting - The 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2022 & Resolutions of BOD

The Board of Directors (BODs) sincerely invite our valued shareholders in the Finalized list dated Jan 10th, 2022 to attend the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2022 (EMS). The details are as follows:

1.     Time:From 9h00,Thursday, February 10th, 2022 (Registeration from 08h15)

2.     Location:  The Corporation’s Headquarter - Lot B7 - Que Vo Industrial Zone - Bac Ninh Province.

3.     Form of organizing the Meeting : The Meeting will take place at the aforementioned location, Virtual Meeting and electronic voting.

4.     Content:  The following contents shall be discussed and voted on :

Electing member of Board of Directors and Supervisory Board in term 2022-2027; Reporting on the business performance in 2021 and proposing business plan for 2022; Reporting on the private issuance of bonds in 2021; Reporting on private placement of stock for charter capital increasement; Approving on listing bonds; Approving on supplementing the Corporation’s Charter; Approving on the plan of increasing Charter capital; Other contents under the EMS’s authority (If any).

5.      Meeting documents:

The content and related documents of the EMS will be available on the website: www.kinhbaccity.vn no later than Jan 20th, 2022 and will be updated until the opening of EMS (if any).

6.     Shareholders choose one of the these following attendance methods:

-          Attending in person or authorizing another person (The legal power of antorney1 or the attached form);

-          Electronic Voting and attending directly/online (use the account and password mentioned in this Meeting invitation).

For shareholders who do not attend the meeting directly,please send the proposals and questions that need to be resolved to the Presidium before the EGM started via:

0243.734.6889/ Extension: 111                      Email: kinhbac.kbc@gmail.com

Shareholders and the legal representative of Shareholders attending the Meeting must bring ID documents (ID/Passport) and the original authorization letter with signatures of both parties (if any). In case of authorizing to the Chairman of BODs, please send the Authorization letter to the Corporation’s Headquarter or email to the address above.

7.    The log in information for the Virtual Meeting and electronic voting at website:

https://ezgsm.fpts.com.vnvia information in The Notice of meeting delivering to each shareholder.


Best regards!



Kinhbac city development holding corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: The Meeting Minutes and the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2021: 


Kinhbac city development holding corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Documents for KBC 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders: