
Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Time, location and link to document of the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2022.

The Board of Directors (BODs) sincerely invite our esteemed shareholders in the Finalized list dated November 28th, 2022 to attend the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2022 (EMS). The details are as follows:

1.         Time: From 9h00, Wednesday, December 28th, 2022 (Registeration from 08h15)

2.         LocationThe Corporation’s Headquarter - Lot B7 - Que Vo Industrial Zone - Bac Ninh Province.

3.         Form of organizing the Meeting: The Meeting shall take place at the aforementioned location, combining with Virtual Meeting and electronic voting.

4.         Content:  The following contents shall be discussed and voted on:

Approval for business proposal for 2023; Reporting on the private issuance of shares in 2022; Approval for share repurchase plan; Approval for cash dividend payment plan; Approval for the transaction policy between related parties, Other contents under the EMS’s authority (If any).

5.          Meeting documents:

The content and related documents of the 2nd EMS in 2022 shall be available on the website: www.kinhbaccity.vn no later than December 07th, 2022 and shall be updated before the opening date of EMS (if any).

6.                  Shareholders choose one of the these following attendance methods:

-                   Attending in person or authorizing another person (The legal power of antorney1 or the attached form);

-                   Electronic Voting and attending directly/online (By using the account and password mentioned in this Meeting invitation).

For shareholders who do not attend the meeting directly, please send the proposals and questions that need to be resolved to the Presidium before the EGM started via:

Tel: 0243.734.6889/ Extension: 123              Email: kinhbac.kbc@gmail.com

Shareholders and the legal representative of Shareholders attending the Meeting have to bring ID documents (ID/Passport) and the original authorization letter with signatures of both parties (if any). In case of authorizing to the Chairman of the BODs, please send the Authorization letter to the Corporation’s Headquarter or email to the address above.

7.         The log-in information for the Virtual Meeting and Electronic voting at the website: https://ezgsm.fpts.com.vn via information in The Meeting Invitation Notice delivering to each shareholder.



Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Resolution No. 2911/2022/KBC/NQ-HDQT of the Board of Directors dated November 29th, 2022 on The approval of capital borrowing from Tan Tap Industrial Infrastructure Development Limited Company:  


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: The record date to exercise the right to pay interest on Bond code KBC121020 (the record date: December 16th, 2022): 


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: the Bondholders approved the addition of collateral for KBC’s Bond code: KBCH2123002 on November 24th, 2022:


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Report on transaction of major shareholders on November 22nd, 2022: 


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Report on transaction of major shareholders on November 21st, 2022: 


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Report on the transaction to become major shareholders on November 17th, 2022: 


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Official Letter No. 2031/TB-SGDHCM about the record date to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange dated November 14th, 2022: 


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Official Letter No. 3340/TB-VSD of the Vietnam Securities Depository dated November 10th, 2022  on the record date and confirmation date of the list of securities owners to hold Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders:


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Mr. Dang Thanh Tam registered to buy KBC shares:


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Report on the change of the group of affiliated foreign investors to be no longer major shareholders on November 8th, 2022:


Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Announcement No. 0811-2/2022/KBC-CK  dated November 08th, 2022 on the record date to exercise the right to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders: 


KinhBac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Resolution No. 0811/2022/NQ-HDQT of the Board of Directors dated November 08th, 2022  on closing the list of shareholders to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as belows:


To organize the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 



Pursuant to:

The Enterprise Law No. 59/2020/QH14 approved by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on June 17, 2020 and its amendments and supplements;

The  Charter of KinhBac City Development Holding Corporation;

The Minutes of the Board of dated November 08th, 2022.


Article 1:  Approving the organization of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Implementing the closing of the list of shareholders to conduct an extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in accordance with the law and the company's charter.

1.   Record date: November 28th, 2022.

2.   Estimated implementation time: The Board of Directors will notify specifically in writing.

3.   Location and form of meeting: The Board of Directors will notify specifically in writing.

4.   Expected meeting content: Consulting shareholders' opinions on a number of issues under the authority of the General Meeting of Shareholders to create favorable conditions for the Company to develop sustainably and achieve breakthroughs for 2023.

Article 2:Terms of enforcement

This Resolution has been unanimously approved by the members of the Board of Directors and takes effect from the date of signing. The members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Managers and relevant departments are responsible for implementing the contents of this Resolution..


-   As article 2;

-   Members of the BOD, SB;

-   Stored: Admin.



(signed and stamped) 

Dang Thanh Tam



Kinh Bac City Development Holding Corporation (HSX: KBC) would like to inform: Report on transaction of major shareholders on November 03rd, 2022: